Fourth Trimester

When a baby is born so is a mother and as you get to know your little one you’ll be getting to know the new you.

Becoming a parent can be the most enriching and transformative life experience imaginable, which also comes with physical and emotional challenges. After growing and birthing a tiny human, it’s time for you to heal, rest, recover and bond with your baby. I’m here to provide mother-focused postpartum care to support you as you start your journey.

Being in your home during this most precious time is an honour that I care about deeply and navigate gently, and I’ll be there for your practical, physical and emotional needs. You’ll have the opportunity to talk, unpack and debrief your birth in a safe place as I listen. I’ll hold your baby while you enjoy some of the food I have prepared for you. I’ll run you a bath to give you a moment to relax or catch up on sleep. I’ll give your toddler my time, making them feel special. I’ll be sitting with you or in the background, pre-empting your needs, always holding that space. When not with you, I’ll be available to chat or message any time you have questions.

The support I provide is tailored to each individual; some families opt for support every day and then reduce it when they are ready, whereas for others two days a week is sufficient. We can discuss all this when we meet to ensure we make a plan that works best for you with the aim of empowering you to navigate your journey with grace and confidence.

Rate 3-6 hour block starting at £75

“I didn’t know what to expect from a post-birth doula, but having had Nadya support me and my second baby through the 4th trimester, I only wish I had know about her for my first!
She is incredibly warm, gentle and kind, with a great sense of humour: a lovely presence to have in your house and one that I so looked forward to seeing each week. She was a great emotional support for me, while the baby and I struggled with feeding issues and I got to grips with juggling a toddler and a newborn. She’s got a wealth of experience and knowledge, and was always able to offer advice and put me at ease. ”
- Hero

Fifth Trimester

“Because the truth is this- the first few years of postpartum are going to pull you so far away from who you used to be- and then they’re going to put you back together as the person you’re meant to be” January Harshe, author of Birth Without Fear: the judgment guide to taking charge of your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

I fully recognise that postpartum doesn’t end after 12 weeks with life returning to how it was. This journey of motherhood continues to evolve as you navigate your way through the fifth trimester and I often find that my support naturally transitions alongside it.

One of the biggest things mothers are often faced with is a loss of identity. I create a safe and secure environment in which you are able to have time and space to adjust. Whether you’re freelance, have you’re own business or are returning to a job I can help you navigate this transition back to work.

Rate 3-6 hour block starting at £75

“Nadya is genuinely kind, warm and gracious. She was instrumental in helping us go through milestones such as weaning, and my gradual return to work giving both me and my daughter confidence during tis process.
Ada gives the biggest smiles every time she sees Nadya, and they adore one another!”
- Maria

Contact me

If you’d like to chat and learn more about how I can support you and your family with a newborn baby, do get in touch.